Patient Participation Group

The Deer Park Family Medical Practice – Patient Participation Group (PPG) are a group of around 12 patients who meet at least once every 3 months, along with the Practice Manager and one of the GP’s, to:

  • Discuss any issues regarding the practice and its relationship with their patients.
  • Support the practice to achieve its health promotion aims.
  • Ensure patient participation and consultation in any new developments or changes.
  • Provide a dialogue between patients and the practice team to promote patient involvement in the practice.

We are always looking for new recruits to support the aim of the PPG which is to be representative of our a patient population and community. Whilst it is not essential that you attend every meeting, we would prefer to have a stable group of regular attendees for the purposes of continuity.

If you have any general comments, views or observations on any aspect of your experiences as a patient of our practice and would like these to be considered and discussed by your PPG, please feel free to write a brief note to the Practice Manager who will pass it onto the group. 

It is important to note that any complaints should be directed to the Practice Manager (please refer to the Suggestions/complaints section of this website)

Thank You

Chairperson – Deer Park Family Medical Practice PPG

PPG Signup Form

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?